COVID-19 Ignorance {Assignment}

COVID-19 Ignorance

Joel Mitchell

March 23rd, 2020

Self isolation has been an extremely important task requested of people over the last week or so

to the far-reaching effects of the COVID-19 virus’ spread. Unfortunately, not everyone seems to

think so.

Since the beginning of this rising pandemic, many have chosen to still view coronavirus as a

harmless although slightly more aggressive flu. Some businesses have even remained open

offering little support to their employees, and arrogant teenagers continue to throw parties

claiming they are “immune” to the disease sweeping the nation (it’s not as if a credible

individual, BC’s Doctor Bonnie Henry for instance, has suggested against such actions in recent

weeks). The lack of interest in taking proper precautions to halt the spread of the virus is baffling

to say the least, and the downright ignorant behaviour from people will only make matters worse.

When it comes to the well being of employees versus maintaining income and profits during a

global outbreak, some larger businesses seem to prioritize their profits above all else. Stores in

the US like Gamestop and Michaels have decided to stay open, claiming they are necessary

businesses regardless of the recent pandemic and the risk to their workers. Gamestop

representatives acknowledge that, “due to the products we carry that enable and enhance our

customers’ experience in working from home, we believe GameStop is classified as essential

retail and therefore is able to remain open during this time”, while Michael’s CEO has issued a public

update stating that, “We are increasing the cleaning of cashier and framing counters, store

classrooms, shopping cart handles, door handles, bathrooms, breakrooms and other high-traffic

and high-touch areas. We have also developed dedicated communication channels to share

information and preventative guidelines with our Team Members” (Just for reference, Gamestop is a 

video game retailer and Michael’s sells supplies for art, crafts and framing. Last I checked these were 

not necessities during a global pandemic). How does this possibly safeguard the staff working at 


In addition to corporations lack of interest in employee well being, younger people are also still

ignoring the ramifications of their actions, throwing parties or crowding public places despite

being told not to, all while likely spreading the COVID-19 virus among many more citizens.

Most recently in Victoria, police in Esquimalt responded to a noise complaint where they were

greeted by party-goers who were “undeterred, mistakenly believing their youth made them

‘immune’ to the virus”. The Vancouver Park Board has also decided to close all outdoor sporting 

areas and parking lots citing, “The park board is taking this measure as a result of insufficient public 

compliance with social distancing protocol at many parks and beaches".

Even though the public has been urged to seek self isolation and to avoid unnecessary

interactions with one another, these requests are falling on deaf ears. There seems to be a general

disinterest in halting the spread of COVID-19, or at the very least people aren’t focusing on just

how aggressive the virus is. Unnecessary businesses remain open, showing their true colours by

neglecting the health of their employees all the while aiding none with the battle of suppressing

this sickness. And while it’s true that older individuals and those with respiratory issues and

weak immune systems are more likely to be hospitalized, the virus is still a danger to everyone.

The ignorance of choosing not to take precautions just because you don’t think you will be

negatively affected and ignoring how your peers and elders will be harmed is ridiculous. I know

staying home and avoiding human interaction isn’t ideal, but the sooner everybody can take

these matters seriously, the sooner our way of living can get back to normal.



  1. Very well said.
    For those of us who are young and decently healthy this virus may not come as threat, but like you said, for those with week immune systems or elderly catching the virus could be deadly. For me, staying home isn't really about protecting myself (although I could do without a cold) but more so about protecting those who are vulnerable, like my grandparents, or my boyfriend with bad asthma. There lives are worth way more than a party.

    You are so right, the sooner we get serious and stay home the sooner we can get back out again, ideally with as few deaths as possible.

  2. This is why I am grateful to live where I do. We have a Prime Minister who as soon as his wife was diagnosed with Covid-19 went into self isolation. Who every day keeps Canadian's up to date on what the gov't is doing to not only protect us but also to financially to protect us.
    It seems that here in BC we are listening to the advice to self-isolate, practice Social distancing, because we are starting to flatten the curve.
    Unfortunately we have a gov't to the south of us who lives in a "White House" who response to this pandemic been a joke. Also the British Prime Minister who stated he would continue to shake hands with everyone he meets and now has tested positive to Covid-19. Who knows how many people he affected? Until these governments get it, I will continue to practice social distancing even if the curb flattens in BC and we are told we can go back to a normal life.

  3. Well done Joel,

    It is so sad that many people are not taking it seriously and I fear that it will indeed come to a time where there will be curfews and people ensuring that all are staying within their homes.

    I am very sad that some businesses are prioritizing profit over the safety of their staff, one bigger company that chose their staff over profit and are continuing to be a model of how large businesses should be helping out is Lululemon.

    Although they are closed they are still paying their staff, donating funds to their ambassadors and proving they value people over profit.

    I am saddened that some of my neighbours are still holding parties and going out and about but hopefully the new $1 million dollar fine or 3 year jail time will encourage people not to put others in harms way and that they endanger others by being selfish.


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